Past Roles
Apr 2023 – Apr 2024
Led the development of NASA's National Eclipse Ballooning Project's Camera System, using Raspberry Pi and ArduCam. Orchestrated the design, programming, and launch of three test balloons, enhancing system reliability. Advanced JPL’s F' flight software with new architectures and integrated UART and I2C support. Conducted research on Delay Tolerant Networking for the Interplanetary Overlay Network.
Apr 2023 – Apr 2024
Graduate Student Assistant for SPACE 478: Engineering in Space Environment. I redesigned the curriculum, lectures and assessments. Career Development Coordinator for the Department of Climate and Space Sciences and Engineering (CLaSP). I designed, developed and maintained the process for connecting students and opportunities.
Aug 2022 – Jan 2024
Presented research on Radio Occultation in Venus's atmosphere at AIAA SciTech 2024, with findings published (DOI: 10.2514/6.2024-0820). Led an 8-person team to initiate a pre-phase-A mission, designing CubeSats' structures and thermal systems through detailed calculations and model development for sulfur characterization.
Apr 2023 – Aug 2023
Investigated new techniques to compact Ion Mass Spectrometers for space use, employing fundamental principles. Explored advanced detection and spectrometry methods, including diamond detectors, MEMS-based Spectrometers, and Multi-reflection Time of Flight (MF-ToF) chambers.
July 2020 – August 2022
Attended training sessions on programming, manufacturing processes, engineering drawings, learnt latest technologies such as cobot programming and its application, handling and configurations, Operated Solid Works, Delcam PowerMill and AutoCAD for various tasks.

Sept 2018 – July 2021
Led a team of 25 members in the mechanical devision to design, develop, manufacture and test an underwater robotic arm, deploy system, gripper and manipulator for Underwater Remotely Operated Vehicle for Marine Advanced Technology Education International Championship.
June 2019 – Sept 2019
Learnt about newer and existing technology at Siemens, worked at solutions architecture department to design a software to reduce time and human errors and automate the design process of the railway architecture.

It is possible for ordinary people to choose to be extraordinary.
Elon Musk
My Schooling
August 2022 – April 2024
Michigan, USA
Relevant Modules: Spacecraft Technology, Astrodynamics, Space Instrumentation, Remote Sensing, Embedded Systems, Space Systems Management, CubeSat Flight Lab, Engineering in Space Environment.
Here are some of my accomplishments:
Received the Martin & Anne Sichel Award for Outstanding Achievement in the Aerospace Engineering Master's Program.
Designed a complete satellite mission based on payload requirements for a precipitation measurement satellite.
Led a team of 5 to identify risks in human space flight and developed mitigation strategies using space robotics.
Led a team of 8 to design, analyze and develop a mission for Radio Occultation in Venusian atmosphere to characterize sulfur.
Led a team of 10 to design, manufacture, integrate, test and launch a 3U CubeSat on an HAB in collaboration with other projects on board to an altitude of 30 km to collect images, atmospheric, and magnetometer data.
Designed and programmed a wireless car game on STM32 boards using custom protocols and hardware.
Sep 2017 – June 2020
Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
Relevant Modules: Mechanics, Engineering Mathematics, Manufacturing Engineering, Material Science, Thermo-fluid Dynamics, Electrical Engineering, Mathematical Modelling and Drive Systems.
Here are some of my accomplishments:
Nominated as team leader for IMechE Challenge 2017 for a team of 5 for Newcastle University.
Completed SMC Pneumatic Systems International Course (P1).
Built the first successful wind turbine, using Autodesk Inventor 2018 for 3D design and drawings.
Designed and 3D Printed a Text Recognition Pen equipped with sensors and batteries as a summer project with a team of 4 in Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay.
Was Selected for Sir William Siemens Challenge 2018 in a team of 5. Designed, manufactured and delivered a turn table system for 3D LED Cube on site.
Designed, Analyzed (FEA), Predicted and Tested a Crane Hook using ANSYS Workbench and Tensile Testing Machine
Programmed, Designed and Manufactured an Autonomous Electric Cart for a test track in a team of 3.
Created a maze solving robot algorithm for robots in Python.​
First Class Honours
June 2015 – March 2017
Nashik, India
I mainly studied Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Geography. I was also in the Football Team where we played at district level.
During my time in college, I was also a part of IITian's PACE Academy. Here I learnt advanced topics such as:
Mathematics : Three - Dimensional Geometry, Integral Calculus, Permutations & Combinations, Matrices, Binomial Theorem, Sequence & Series.
Physics : Kinematics, Work Energy & Power, Rotational Motion, Gravitation, Thermodynamics, Oscillations, Current & Magnetism, Optics.
Chemistry : Atomic Structure, Chemical Bonding, Solutions, Equilibrium, Surface Chemistry, Chemical Kinematics, Periodic Table, Organic Chemistry, Polymers.
81.4 %
I graduated High School, where I enjoyed doing Science, Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology, Sports and Arts. I realised in the 8th grade of school that I wanted to do something with Science and Technology. So I started participating and competing in Mathematics and Science competitions. I also took part in Science Fairs. There, I showcased some of my very first projects including a Refracting Telescope and Home Safety System.
92.8 %
June 2003 - March 2015
​Nashik, India
Knowledge & Expertise

Software : Python, C, C++ and Visual Basics
Robot Programming :Â
Kuka KRC4, Universal Robots

Autodesk Inventor, ANSYS Workbench, ANSYS Fluent, SolidWorks, SAP Business One, AutoCAD, STK, Spenvis, SysML, COMSOL Multiphysics

Experience in multiple research labs, robotics company and software Company in the last 5 years.

Got Internationally recognised for my problem solving skills at MATE ROV Championship.

Collaboration Software : Team Gantt, Microsoft Teams, Planner, Trello & GitHub
Managed over 11 projects including the one with NASA JPL.

Have lead more than 16 teams in past 8 years. Have successfully lead a team of more than 20 people in engineering & development for International Competition.

7 years of experience in integrating teams between Software, Electrical, Mechanical and Manufacturing departments.

Developed novel solutions for various projects including CubeSats.
Also actively involved in content creation for spreading awareness and writing a blog.